This unit has a Triton V10 how do I know if the heads are (PI) Performance Improved or not? And would I tell if this engine is a 310 horse power motor or a 275?
This unit has a Triton V10 how do I know if the heads are (PI) Performance Improved or not? And would I tell if this engine is a 310 horse power motor or a 275?
Use your Vin Code. The eight digit of the code is the engine code.

S = 265-275 HP in light trucks only (under 11,000 pound GVW)
S = 305-310 HP Light/Medium/Heavy Truck (with GVW Ratings over 11,000 pounds)
Z = 305-310 HP (Engine only available on 11,000 lbs and greater)
1999 V10…275hp around 400 ft lbs torque (2-valve)
2000-2004 V-10…310 hp @4250 rpm, 425 ft/lb torque @3250 rpm (2-valve)
2005 up V-10…362 hp @4750 rpm, 457 ft/lb torque @3250 rpm (3-valve)
In 2000-2004 the 2V V10 got “PI” head or Performance improved that bumped up power quite a bit especially above 3k rpm. The heads increase flow quite a bit. Late production 02′-04′ V10 got extra threads in the spark plug hole.
2005 Up V10 got an Extra Valve per cylinder (3 valves instead of 2) and a varible volume intake manifold, more “Headerlike” exhaust manifolds and a freer flowing exhaust. (Without the crappy y-pipe like on the 00-04)
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