I have had my truck for the past 8 years and not once has any power steering fluid been added it is at the same level and it still looks like new fluid…. Could something be wrong?
I have had my truck for the past 8 years and not once has any power steering fluid been added it is at the same level and it still looks like new fluid…. Could something be wrong?
Nothing wrong at all. The power steering system is a sealed system and should not loose any fluid unless there is a leak. It should not change color unless it gets too hot. So you are in pretty good shape. And its nice to here you know How to check your fluid levels.
Oh, sweet! I’m Glad I know that now. ๐ I love working on vehicles ๐ I have been having a hard time the past couple of weeks trying to figure out why my truck keeps breaking down on me. About 2 weeks ago I was headed to the gas station…Almost on E… Well I filled up and the truck started right up, no problems what so ever, well I didn’t even get a street away from the gas station then the truck started acting funny. At first it sounded like it was out of gas, which I just left the gas station so I knew that couldn’t of been what was going on. Well after I got to a safe spot to be able to look under the hood, I noticed that one of my fuel filters (I have 2) that was close to the fuel pump only had a tiny bit of fuel in it, well after struggling to drive safely back home (which was about 2 blocks away from the gas station) (which getting home took way too long….@ 4-4 & 1/2 hours) IT WAS CRAZY! I finally figured out that it was the Fuel pump, that was going out, and I needed a new one, well. I had bought a new one, and changed it right there in the Auto Zone parking lot. It started right up, I was so happy! I thought I had fixed the problem….. Man Was I Wrong. Well on my way back home it died 2 times. I thought back to a month ago… the truck had over headed while I was out running errands and meeting up with some friends. Well when I touched one of the plugs on the distributor cap…it fell apart in my hand… so I finally got new plugs put on and the distributor cap (after stupidly taking all of the plugs off at once…not thinking about what order the plugs go in…stupid idea at the time) well after guessing and a million tries later… Someone I was asking advice from, told me that the firing order was on the engine somewhere, I just needed to hunt around for it. Well in the guessing process…. It back fired and the timing got messed up. Well I haven’t been able to get the timing back in the “just right” spot. I have had my boyfriend and other mechanical people, that I am friends with…. and we are all stumped on why it wont start and where the timing needs to be, and how to keep it all in the correct place…if the bolt holding the distributor cap in place… if the correct fitting one was never put in, when the truck was rebuilt back in ’07.
Any ideas or thoughts on what I can do to get the distributor cap and the timing set correctly and held in place (since I don’t have a bolt anywhere in my possession that fits correctly.) ???
P.S. Sorry for the long drawn out story on whats been happening. ๐
Back firing would not change the timing. Only removing or twisting the distributor would change the timing. The back firing happened from putting one of the plug wires in the wrong spot and trying to start it. No damage done, just need to put the plug wires in the right spot. Then a timing light would be the most accurate way to set the distributor to its proper location and the exact size bolt and hold down is needed to hold the distributor in place. The same horsepower that spins the wheels, spins that distributor so it is important to bolt it down. The engine firing order is on the top of the intake manifold or use the Ford Engine Firing order diagram provided.

My boyfriend took the distributor cap out, after it back fired, he said he moved it when he took some of the plugs off and didn’t remember where specifically it went back on. I don’t have a timing light. This might sound like a stupid question, but where would you get one? I don’t think I have ever heard of a timing light before. I’m very thankful that we are talking today.
And Thank you for the timing order.
An Automotive Timing Light for less than $20.

Follow image for more Details…
How to set your timing.
1.Locate the timing marks on the crankshaft pulley and the front of the engine.
2.Clean the timing marks so that you can see them.
3.Mark the timing marks with a piece of chalk or with paint. Color the mark on the scale that will indicate the correct timing when it is aligned with the mark on the pulley or the pointer. It is also helpful to mark the notch in the pulley or the tip of the pointer with a small dab of color.
4.Attach a tachometer to the engine.(not sure why , but the manual says to do this… I don’t see the need myself)
5.Attach a timing light according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If the timing light has three wires, one is attached to the No. 1 spark plug with an adapter. The other wires are connected to the battery. The red wire goes to the positive side of the battery and the black wire is connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
6.Disconnect the vacuum line to the distributor at the distributor and plug the vacuum line. A golf tee does a fine job.
7.Check to make sure that all of the wires clear the fan and then start the engine.
8.Adjust the idle to the correct setting.
9.Aim the timing light at the timing marks. if the marks that you put on the flywheel or pulley and the engine are aligned with the light flashes, the timing is correct. Turn off the engine and remove the tachometer and the timing light. If the mark are not in alignment, replace the ignition module.
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