Home » Car Questions » 2000 GMC SAFARI SLE


4.3L vortec engine. 6cyl. will not start….Here is what I did to it so far….
lined up the balancer shaft, lined up new timing gear and chain, replaced the harmonic balancer which lines up with the mark on the timing cover, and put a new distributor in and set it on No.6. Now it will not start and I need to know what step I must have missed. After doing all these thing I have stated, am I suppose to set to top dead center and then set the distributor? I am lost at this time and need help.

1 thought on “2000 GMC SAFARI SLE”

  1. “am I suppose to set to top dead center and then set the distributor?” YES

    You should have put in new Distributor and set it at N0. 1 with the marks all lined up. No.1 is used to set TDC(top Dead Center).

    Set your marks first and then drop distributor in so that it points to No.1 on the distributor cap once set.

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