I was tracing some wires from my transfer case and ended up under the dash driver side.. any ways I found a fuse box just above the info. plug the box has 4 fuses in it there marked micro 1,2,3,4 can any one tell me what they are and what they run (or do ) my Haynes book don’t tell me sh_ _ but these cheap books never really do tell you or show you much .. thanks
I have to agree with you on the Haynes manuals. These days they are not half as good as they once where. If you want Up to date vehicle specific information I recommend an Online Auto Repair Manual. They have more information than you could ever need. They include a full set of wiring diagrams and repair estimator. Well worth the money in my opinion.
On to the fuse box. The fuses should be covered in your owners manual. To find the specific page you can look up “fuses” in the index at the back of the manual. If you do not have a manual you may view yours online for free.