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VW New Beetle 2001 shift cable replacement

VW Beetle

The gear shift cable to the transmission. I wonder do u have pics under the car off the ground while u did the job or videos?

Shift Cable Replacement


►Remove air cleaner.

►Shift selector lever into “P” position.

►Pull selector lever cable 1 upward off selector shaft lever 2.


►Remove circlip 3 at support bracket.

►Raise vehicle.

►Disconnect exhaust system after front exhaust pipe at double clamp A. Remove supports for front exhaust pipe from assembly carrier if necessary. >>>



►Remove cross support B below exhaust system.

►Remove heat shield C.

►Remove heat shield D.

►Unbolt cover from selector lever bracket.

►Pry selector lever cable 3 off selector lever 2 with a screwdriver.



►Pull circlip 1 for securing selector lever cable to selector lever housing out downward.

►Pull selector cable carefully out of selector lever housing.


  • Check the protective boot for damage; the protective boot can only be changed together with the selector lever cable.
  • Before installing lightly grease ball socket on end of cable.
  • Check that the protective sleeve is correctly installed. Do not install the protective sleeve twisted.
  • Do not bend or kink the selector lever cable.

►Guide selector lever cable 3 with a new seal into selector lever housing.

►Press selector lever cable onto selector lever 2.

►Install new selector lever cable circlip 1 onto selector lever housing.



Installation position:

The angled end of the circlip faces to the inside of the selector lever housing.

►Move selector lever from “P” to “1”.


  • Selector lever mechanism and selector lever cable must move freely. If necessary replace selector lever cable or service selector lever mechanism.

►Shift selector lever into “P” position.

►Bring selector shaft lever into position “P” on transmission. Locking lever must engage in park lock wheel, both front wheels blocked.

►Loosen bolt 2 at front ball socket 1 of selector lever cable.


►Insert selector lever cable into transmission support bracket and press onto selector shaft lever 4.

►Press new securing clip 3 onto transmission selector lever cable support bracket.

►Tighten bolt arrow (5 Nm).


►Fasten cover onto selector lever bracket with new gasket and new O-ring.

►Install heat shields.

►Reconnect exhaust system using double clamp >>>

►Check selector mechanism Selector Mechanism, Checking.

►Install air cleaner.


Applicable vehicles:

  • Beetle: 1.8L,2.0L; A (1999-04)
  • Beetle: 1.9L; A (1999-03)
Selector Lever Cable


►Check whether a coded radio is installed. If so, obtain anti-theft coding.

►With ignition switched off disconnect battery Ground strap.

►Press sleeve on selector lever handle down.

►Pull selector lever handle off upward with button pressed.

►Carefully pry selector lever mechanism cover out at rear left and right and lift off.

►Remove center console and arm rest if part of original equipment.

►Disconnect locking cable from shift mechanism locking lever Locking Cable.

►Separate cable tie 1 on selector lever bracket.


  • Do not damage wiring!

►Carefully pry retainer 2 for cable and connector 3 out of selector lever bracket with a screwdriver.

►Separate connection 4 for shift lock solenoid and connection 5 for selector lever position display.

►Carefully lift frame up at the four corners 6 and remove. Do not damage contact spring for selector lever position display.

►Remove locking segment (2 bolts).

►Place selector lever in position “1”.

►Undo retaining bracket 7 (2 nuts).

►Remove securing screws 8 (Qty. 2) for the solenoid.

►Remove front selector lever bracket mounting (2 nuts).

►Raise vehicle.

►Disconnect exhaust system after front exhaust pipe at double clamp A. Remove supports for front exhaust pipe from assembly carrier if necessary. >>>



►Remove cross support B below exhaust system.

►Remove heat shield C.

►Remove heat shield D.

►Remove rear selector lever bracket mounting securing bolts (Qty. 2).

►Pry selector lever cable 3 off selector lever 2 with a screwdriver.



►Pull circlip 1 for securing selector lever cable to selector lever housing out downward.

►Pull selector cable carefully out of selector lever housing.

►Remove selector mechanism downward.

►Remove solenoid securing bolts (Qty. 2).

►With selector lever in position “1” remove solenoid with locking pin and spring from selector lever housing, while moving selector lever back and forth slightly if necessary.

►Loosen nut for selector lever mounting pin, when doing this only counter-hold on mounting pin hex (the mounting pin must not be turned).

►Carefully drive mounting pin out with drift.

►Remove selector.


Installation is performed in the reverse order or removal.

Video footage from underneath

1999 vw new beetle 2.0 shift linkage broken

Shift Cable Diagram
