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2015 Polo Vivo steering was creaking


Took my vehicle in for a service at VW, Told them there was a slow leak coming from the brake pedal dripping onto the car mat(thin lightly brown to transparent) and my steering was creaking, among other issues with the vehicle.

AT The Shop

They then sent a quote for a new steering column (M V 6QS423510F N/Stock Steer Col)

When I called for them to give a detailed report of where the component had failed they then told me it was the power steering fluid reservoir that was actually leaking, which still does not explain the leak at my break pedal and the creaking in my steering wheel. So they then said because the reservoir and the steering column are one fixed unit in this vehicle they quoted for a steering column replacement.

The Cost to Repair

Please help me, this all does not make sense and they want to charge me R12 000 (total quote R24000), a 1/4 the value of the vehicle for something that seems to be misdiagnosed in my opinion.

Main Points – Steering column (entire power steering is a fixed system), causes of creaking in steering wheel.

The fluid that is leaking on the brake pedal is power steering fluid not brake fluid. There is no brake fluid anywhere around the pedal that would leak onto the floor mat. So I think the mechanic or serviceman that told you the problem is not the brakes, is in fact telling you the truth about that.

You do have a noise or issue with the steering and they are telling you that it is from an issue in the power steering column. The Reservoir is part of the column and can not be replaced separately according to the shop.

So maybe call around to a different shop and see if somehow they have the part available separately?