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Usually starts on third try 2013 Suburu Outback

Subaru Outback

Just replaced two O2 sensors. It cranks, but will not start. Usually starts on the third try, but idols rough at first before it reaches a normal idol. No immediate idiot lights. Drove 25 miles with no problems and no idiot lights. Stopped for an hour, but an attempt to start resulted in the same pattern (crank, crank, start). Return trip had no indications any problems. Was anything overlooked? Thank you in advanced.

I’m afraid I’m going to need a bit more information in order to help with this one. Does it start and run every time? just takes a few cranks? What made you decide to replace the two oxygen sensors in the first place.

If it just won’t start at all then you can follow this No Start Diagnostic Chart we developed.

2014 SUBARU OUTBACK No Crank, No Start, FUSE? RELAY? STARTER? One click...Fixed...