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Ford Owner Manual Update 2020


I recently received a letter in the mail from Ford Motor Company. Looks like there is a Ford Owner Manual Update as of September 2020. In the letter it contained an addendum to my Owners manual for the 2019 Ford Fiesta I purchased last year. Ford calls this Special Field Action 20L03. Ford simple asked that you insert this one page addendum into the manual. No need to visit the dealership. I will provide the information in the addendum below. Issue Date was September 2020.

Owner Manual Addendum

Special Field Action 20L03

Automatic Engine Shutdown

For vehicles with a keyless ignition, this feature automatically shuts down the engine if it has been idling for an extended period. The ignition also turns off in order to save battery power. Before your vehicle shuts down, a message appears in the information display showing a timer countdown for 30 seconds. If you do not intervene within 30 seconds, your vehicle shuts down. Another message appears in the information display to inform you that your vehicle has shut down to save fuel. Start your vehicle as you normally do.

Automatic Engine Shutdown Override

Note: You can not permanently switch off the automatic shutdown feature. When you switch it off temporarily, it turns on at the next ignition cycle.

However, you can stop the shutdown, or reset the timer, at any point before the 30-second countdown has expired by doing any of the following:

  • You can reset the timer by interacting with your vehicle, for example pressing the brake or accelerator pedal.
  • You can temporarily switch off the shutdown feature any time the ignition is on using the information display. See Information Displays. The feature only remains off for the current ignition cycle.
  • During the 30-second countdown, the system prompts you to press OK or RESET to temporarily switch the feature off for the current ignition cycle only.

Note: If the engine is idling for 30 minutes, the ignition and engine automatically shut down.

Should you find yourself needing more information about the Ford Owner Manual Update from Ford themselves, please visit there website: www.Fordowner.com or call 1-866-436-7332.