A tire on the tractor went flat, so I turned it off and filled it up. Once I tried to turn the tractor back on though it clicked once and would not turn over. How do I get it to turn on?
Confirm the battery and connections are good
In general the first thing to do would be to check your battery connections. And then the battery cable connections along with the cables themselves. Any sign of corrosion would indicate a poor connection. Next make sure the battery is fully charged or replaced with a New or Known good battery.
Test the Starter
If you are still having troubles, perform the following test with a volt meter to make sure the ignition switch and wiring are good. While someone holds the ignition key in the “ON” position check for battery positive at the “S” terminal on the starter solenoid. Also check the the case of the starter for battery negative. If you see battery positive at the “S” terminal and battery negative on the case of the starter this indicates the starter needs to be replaced.