No power to fuse #7 from Ignition switch. Engine cranks but no spark or fuel. Have replaced ICM, ignition coil, battery, fuel pump, fuel filter, ignition switch, distributor. No blown fuses.
Fuse #7 relates to Anti-theft Module, Transmission Range Sensor, Park/Neutral Position Switch and Powertrain Control Module(PCM). And should only read HOT IN START.
If it isn’t working the starter will not turn over as shown in the Engine Starting Wiring Diagram Below(where it says INTERIOR FUSE PANEL you will see Fuse#7. Since the starter does turn over, The fuse #7 is getting power in start position, the anti-theft feature is working as it should, the neutral switch is functioning properly and obviously so is the starter. Double check the Inertia fuel shutoff switch(located behind the Right Hand Cowl panel, it cuts off power to the fuel pump if a collision occurs. If that checks out my thoughts would be that either the fuse to the PCM is blown, The PCM Power Relay is bad or the PCM itself is bad. But by all means use the Step By Step No Start Diagnostic Chart I made for just this occasion.