First thing was i got a no crank no start. Then it start to crank with no fuel pressure. I replaced the fuel pump. Then it still crank and no fire. I check for a injector pulse and was not one. So i replace the computer. I have no crank no start some times and start up other times. What do i need to do to make it reliable again. 230k on mileage
Ran great tell the first no crank
My initial suspicions would be bad connections. Meaning the wiring or battery cables have damage. This could be in the form of internal corrosion in the battery cables or loose/dirty connections on the frame. This would address the intermittent ability to work properly sometimes and not other times.
You will only be able to test for what is not working when of course it isn’t working. When everything is functioning properly everything will test good. Another good option is when it is running you can go around and perform the “wiggle test”. This simply means what it sound like. Go around and start wiggling wires and wiring harnesses and see if it causes a failure.
There are no easy answers or quick fix tests for this kind of issue.
2003 Ford Expedition Starting System Wiring Diagram