My car won’t start. Last I started my Dodge Charger was yesterday and it made a loud squeal noise. Did that for a minute but started and ran fine until I stopped for gas and turned the car off. Tried to start it and it won’t start. All my lights come on and the ac and radio but makes no noise, just won’t start. Any ideas?
Yeah I have an idea. Follow the steps in this No Start Diagnostic Chart. A lot of time went into creating this chart for just this reason. To assist in a no start situation.
Though all the bells and whistles may seem to indicate a “GOOD” Battery, that isn’t always the truth. How can that be you might ask? The radio, lights may draw 5 to 10 amps. Easy enough for just about any battery to handle, right. Now when you go and add the 100 – 300 Amps that are drawn at cranking speed, that’s a whole different story. A battery needs to be in top condition for that kind of use. And this is with all good connections etc. And if the connections at the battery or anywhere in between may also hinder its abilities.
A quick test with a volt-meter to see if you have battery voltage at the “S” terminal when the key is held in the “START” position would illuminate a lot. Got Battery voltage at “S” terminal, After making sure the battery is in fact really GOOD, replacing the starter is the next step. No voltage at the “S” terminal. time to back track the wiring to eh relay and wiring harness through the gear selector switch and ignition. I recommend using a wiring diagram to help understand the pathway.