’94 Sonoma wont start

My boyfriend has a ’94 Sonoma and the other day he parked for 10 minutes and came back, and it just wouldnt start. When I try to start it the lights and everything come on, but nothing else happens except for a click.
I checked the ignition fuse, it was fine.
The battery is brand new and I just replaced the terminals, so there’s no corrosion or anything. I also cleaned the ground.
I replaced the starter, because it was in bad really bad shape and I’d been planning to do it anyway, and I was hoping that would fix it but it didn’t.

Any help with troubleshooting would be awesome, thanks in advanced

1 thought on “’94 Sonoma wont start”

  1. Generally if you hear a click and all the dash lights go away it is a loose connection at the battery or starter. If you hear one hard click it is generally the Starter needing to be replaced. If you several clicks in a row it is usually a bad battery. In your case i would be looking at the starter. The new one may be bad… it happens. Check for battery volts on the “S” terminal of the starter while someone holds the key in the “Start” position. if you see voltage, replace the starter.

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