Engine Wiring Diagram Dodge Charger

Dodge ChargerI’m looking for an under hood engine wiring diagram or schematic for my 2007 Dodge Charger. Somebody thought they’d rewire everything on a 2.7L. I finally got it to fire but does some coughing n dies. I’m thinking they have injectors and coil packs wired in wrong spot. Can ya help ?


Seems like I can probably help. Therefore I will add the engine diagrams below. There are 5 in total that cover the 2.7L engine for the Sixth generation 2006-2010. In addition, feel free to purchase the entire Auto Repair Manual that includes a complete set of wiring diagrams.

Engine Wiring Diagram

Wiring Diagram 2.7L Dodge Charger – 1


Wiring Diagram 2.7L Dodge Charger – 2


Wiring Diagram 2.7L Dodge Charger – 3


Wiring Diagram 2.7L Dodge Charger – 4


Wiring Diagram 2.7L Dodge Charger – 5
