i loose all power and it stalls when i turn on ac
i loose all power and it stalls when i turn on ac
I have a 1992 camaro 3.1 v6 with a 3.4 swap done to the motor I did my swap went to start the motor trubed… Read More »1992 rs v6 camaro
It wont start, has fuel to the engine, has good spark plugs and wires and cap and rotor, has a new distributor, has a new… Read More »98 Chevy Blazer
no A/C. ice possible. drive safe. what’s wrong? how can I fix this?
I just replaced the radiator and thermostat on a 2001 Chevy Lumina. I drained the system before starting and filled it afterwards. When I cranked… Read More »2001 Chevy Lumina
why does engine die at 1300 rpm?
I recently change the transmission it is a manual 4 speed over drive everything was fine for about a week or two.Now the the speedometer,odometer… Read More »1994 C 1500 WT 4.3V ENGINE
I replaced a fuel pump on my truck….now I have no power to the fuel pump, I checked the fuel pump relay, it is good,… Read More »2008 chevy colorado
today my ABS and brake light came on and stayed on. also, the air is still cold but barely blows out. it blows out stronger… Read More »2004 chevy trailblazer
Why does my fuel pump stop working as soon as I hit the starter. The engine starts and runs for a couple of seconds and… Read More »2002 chevrolet blazer