97 Chevy 1500 truck
Truck does crank but won’t start. Fuel pump is good, no spark on plugs
Truck does crank but won’t start. Fuel pump is good, no spark on plugs
Random no start condition: it will start and immediately die, only seems to do this during warmer temps (June- September) I wait approx. 20 minutes… Read More »1998 Chevy S10 pickup 4×4
If brake fluid is leaking into the brake booster do i replace the booster, the master cylinder or both.
My heater core is leaking can I bypass the heater core until I can get it fixed and if so how
When i start the engine I get a noice like a hole in the exhaust system. The RPM jumps to 1K and eventually returns to… Read More »2008, chevy, trailblazer 4.2
Problem: Car stopping and hesitating at stop signs red lights and sometimes backfire.. Usually do this she hitting brakes or making hard turns or even… Read More »1993 chevorlet lumina
We have put in New alternator,battery and starter but yet it won’t start. Lights,radio come on, we will turn the key to start it but… Read More »2003 chevy impala
P0014 code : I checked the sensor for the camshaft, and found oil on it. If I clean it out, will it cancel the code,… Read More »2003 Chevy Trailblazer LT EXT 4.2 V6
When I slide the control lever for temperature I don’t get any heat. If I slide mode lever to A/C I can hear the clutch… Read More »1979 chev. corvette
Where is the IAT sensor located