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2006 Nissan Quest

I have been finding hair-like fibers hanging out of my tailpipe after driving. What could be causing this?

1986 300zx

i have a 1986 300zx automatic, first will not engage , only if i rev the engine real high it will then engage. when it… Read More »1986 300zx

Nissan Sentra Dies While Driving

to all who assisted thank you…… i want to let u know i sorted the problem out eventually…….when i changed the engine the electrician who wired it didnt do a proper job apparantly …the harness supposed to have a protective rubber sleeve and that wasnt there and the wires rubbed against some part and was grounding randomly which was causing the car to cut offf ,….so thank u very much for your assistance

1994 Nissan Sentra

car runs good when cold but when reaches normal running temp it sputters and dies. what can cause this?